The business federation adopts alternate thinking philosophy to integrate processes and work on continuous improvements

We adopted time-bound measurements and monitor edit all along with an integrated approach and learning by internal thinking. Along with this, we optimised our investments with a nimble approach, which is a constant journey.
The $18-billion Mahindra & Mahindra Group works more like a start-up than a large conglomerate. Many large corporates turn bureaucratic as they grow and as a result, decision-making slows down and gets bogged by complex processes in place. Instead, M&M has been able to constantly innovate due of its philosophy of continuous improvement.
M&M calls it the RISE philosophy and is being promoted by group chairman Anand Mahindra. Alternate thinking is being used in the M&M group not just as a concept but a mechanism to grow forward in the current volatile environment. And this is valid for the company's digital journey.
“Since 1996, M&M has migrated to the SAP platform and various support services form the base of the digital drive. Regular system upgrades, robust change management, platform enhancements and early adoption of latest versions makes the group's journey unique,” explains Ashok Asawale, CISO & VP Partner Collaboration Mahindra IT, Mahindra and Mahindra.
The core decision-making, backed by knowledge management, follows the digital journey. Cloud computing is used not just to tick-off digital technology but as a platform that can be used across the organisation for external interactions to build constant intelligence while making processes simpler and more agile.
In parallel, M&M has worked relentlessly to automate its complete value chain from planning to manufacturing to sales and from design to manufacturing, based on various models of various businesses.
The journey, however, has not been an easy. Asawale had to work on lean thinking, leveraging technology as available and tweaking wherever needed, instead of making large upfront investments.
The approach was inspired by the popular concept of PDCA, a repetitive four-stage model for continuous improvement used in business process excellence. M&M has built a base platform for organisational transformation and adopted an innovative mindset to get differential values in adapting the technologies.
According to Asawale, legacy is a mindset. getting attachment to past is always a bottleneck. contemporary situations make decision-making dynamic. Asawale believes that detachment from the past and striving for the best is a drive. “Team working is a drive. Working together is a mission,” he says. While working closely with several start-ups, M&M has been able to achieve this nimble approach as several of the units itself act like a start-up within the group, giving each of the companies enough autonomy and at the same time, allowing them to use the common systems and platforms for rapid growth.
“We used five senses of human beings along with the RISE philosophy to transform our digital journey,” Asawale says while explaining what all it takes to achieve Mahindra's simple yet tall mission.